How to fight spam * :
  • never read the message;
  • don't visit their sites;
  • don't buy anything from them; and
  • block the address.
How email marketing software works:
  • a spider searches web pages, chat rooms, newsgroups and extracts email addresses from HTML and text files;
  • looks for a pattern like *@*.*;
  • retrieves up to 10,000 email addresses per hour by using a simple dial-up connection and sends unsolicited messages;
  • never reads Java-Script code because of high CPU resources.
If you use the following Java-Script code to display your email, the spider will never see it:
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
var domain = "";
var name="a.serenko";
document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + name + '@' + domain + '\">');
document.write(name + '@' + domain + '</a>'); // --></script>

  • copy and paste the code into any HTML editor or NotePad;
  • insert two parts of your email address instead of variables "domain" and "name";
  • paste the code into your Home Page;
  • you may put any HTML tags (for instance, <p align="center"> </p>) to align the address.

* -The above material may be used, copied, and reproduced in any way.