Alexander Serenko, M.Sc., MBA, Ph.D.


Research Interests

Research interests include implicit cognitive processes, technology addiction, scientometrics, and counterproductive knowledge behavior. Also see the World IT Project.

Citation Impact as of September 2024

Google Scholar Citations - 14,000; h-index - 55.

Overall Research Output as of September 2024

Refereed Journal Articles - 122
Refereed Conference Proceedings - 58
Refereed Book Chapters - 7
- 1
Best Paper Awards - 6

Academic Awards, Honors, and Achievements

According to the Stanford Ranking, based on a career-long impact as of 2022
 - Included in the list of top 1% of the world’s scientists.
 - Ranked 5th among information systems/information & library sciences researchers in Canada.

In two independent projects, ranked one of the most productive and influential authors in knowledge management based on the publications in the Journal of Knowledge Management, 2018 (1; 2).

Distinguished Researcher Award (SSHRC category), 2015. This is the highest honour conferred by Lakehead University for research and scholarly activity.

Best paper award at the Annual Global Information Technology Management Association Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 2015.

Researcher of the Year Award, Faculty of Business Administration, Lakehead University, 2012.

The paper "Bontis, N., Booker, L., and Serenko, A. (2007). The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry. Management Decision, 45(9): 1426-1445" was recognized one of top ten most outstanding research contributions published in this journal, October 2012.

Best paper award at the Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, Australia, 2010.

The paper "Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2004). Meta-review of knowledge management and intellectual capital literature: Citation impact and research productivity rankings. Knowledge and Process Management, 11(3): 185-198" was ranked the fourth most frequently cited article in this journal as of April 2020.

Researcher of the Year Award, Faculty of Business Administration, Lakehead University, 2009.

Best paper award nominee at the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2007 – Nominated by the Hedonic IT Mini-track.

Contribution to Research Award, Lakehead University, 2007. This award is given to top three researchers at the entire university based on their three-year research output.

A paper was recognized among the top publications at the First World Congress on Strategic Business Valuation, 2007, Hamilton, ON, and invited to be republished in a journal.

A paper was recognized among the best of the publications at the Seventh World Congress on the Management of e-Business, 2006, Halifax, NS, and invited to be republished in a journal.

The article titled "Satisfaction with mobile services in Canada: An empirical investigation" (co-authored with Ofir Turel) published in Telecommunications Policy Journal (30, 5-6: 314-331) was ranked # 1 top / most frequently downloaded article in the journal for April-June 2006 period, and stayed in the top 10 list for one year.

Best paper award in the Management Education Division at the 34th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Banff, Canada, 2006.

Best paper award in the IS division at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Toronto, Canada, 2005.

Best paper award at the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Omaha, NE, 2005.

Best paper award at the Annual Global Information Technology Management Association Conference (GITMA), San Diego, CA, 2004.

A paper was recognized among the best 10% of the publications presented at the PISTA 2004 Conference, Orlando, FL, 2004, and invited to be republished in a journal.

Michael G. DeGroote School of Business Leadership Recognition Honor, 2003 and 2004.

Acknowledgement of the Guest Editors of the Journal of Intellectual Capital for the development of the Doctoral Consortium, 2003, Volume 4, Issue 3, p. 285.

Research Grants

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Development Research Grant ($58,360) 2021-2024 (With Dwight Mazmanian). Project: Gaming, virtual competence, and the virtual workforce.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Research Grant ($159,987) 2019-2024 (With Brian Detlor, Heidi Julien, and Tara La Rose). Project: Promoting digital literacy in the community through public library initiatives.

Ontario Tech University Start-up Research Grant 10,000 per year, 2020-2022.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Research Grant ($111,800) 2008-2015 (With Nick Bontis). Project: An evaluation of the relevance of knowledge management and intellectual capital research.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Research Grant ($112,639) 2007-2012 (With Brian Detlor Heidi Julien). Project: Assessing Learning Outcomes of Information Literacy Instruction at Canadian Business Schools.

AIC Institute for Strategic Business Studies, McMaster University Research Grant ($4,800) 2007-2008 (with Nick Bontis). Project: The Relevance of Business Valuation Research to Managers.

Management of Innovation and New Technology Research Center, McMaster University Research Grant ($4,800) 2007-2008 (with Nick Bontis). Project: The Relevance of Intellectual Capital Research to Managers.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Research Development Fund Grant ($4,000) 2005-2006.

Start-up Research Grant provided by Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada.



Palvia, P., Ghosh, J., Jacks, T., Serenko, A., and Turan, A.H. (Eds.) Foreword by G. J. Hofstede. (2020). The World IT Project: Global issues in information technology. Boston-Delft: World Scientific - Now Publishers. (Chapter 1 is available for free download)


Articles in Top Peer-Reviewed Journals

Palvia, P., Ghosh, J., Jacks, T., and Serenko, A. (2024). Global perspectives on organizational IS issues: An enigma in search of a theoretical framework. Information & Management, in-press.

Detlor, B., Julien, H., La Rose, T., and Serenko, A. (2022). Community-led digital literacy training: Toward a conceptual model. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73(10): 1387-1400.

Serenko, A. (2022). Antecedents and consequences of explicit and implicit attitudes toward digital piracy. Information & Management, 59(1): Article 103559.

Palvia, P., Ghosh, J., Jacks, T., and Serenko, A. (2021). Information technology issues and challenges of the globe: The World IT Project. Information & Management, 58(8): Article 103545.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2021). Why are women underrepresented in the American IT industry? The role of explicit and implicit gender identities. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 22(1): 41-66.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2019). A dual-attitude model of system use: The effect of explicit and implicit attitudes. Information & Management, 56(5): 657-668.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2018). A critical evaluation of expert survey-based journal rankings: The role of personal research interests. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(5): 749–752.

Turel, O. and Serenko, A. (2012). The benefits and dangers of enjoyment with social networking websites. European Journal of Information Systems, 21(5): 512-528.

Booker, L., Detlor, B., and Serenko, A. (2012). Factors affecting the adoption of online library resources by business students. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(12): 2503-2520.

Serenko, A., Detlor, B., Julien, H., and Booker, L. (2012). A model of student learning outcomes of information literacy instruction in a business school. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(4): 671-686.

Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Giles, P. (2011). Integrating technology addiction and use: An empirical investigation of online auction users. MIS Quarterly, 35(4): 1043-106.

Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2011). Family and work-related consequences of addiction to organizational pervasive technologies. Information & Management, 48(2-3): 88-95.

Detlor, B., Julien, H., Willson, R., Serenko, A., and Lavallee, M. (2011). Learning outcomes of information literacy instruction at business schools. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(3): 572-585.

Turel, O. and Serenko, A. (2010). Is mobile email addiction overlooked? Communications of the ACM, 53(5): 41-43.

Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2010). User acceptance of hedonic digital artifacts: A theory of consumption values perspective. Information & Management, 47(1): 53-59.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2007). Are MIS research instruments stable? An exploratory reconsideration of the Computer Playfulness Scale. Information & Management, 44(8): 657-665.

Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2007). User acceptance of wireless short messaging services: Deconstructing perceived value. Information & Management, 44(1): 63-73.


Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Serenko, A. (2024). Practical wisdom in the workplace: Conceptualization, instrument development, and predictive power. Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(7): 2092-2119.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2024). Dancing with the Devil: The use and perceptions of academic journal ranking lists in the management field. Journal of Documentation, 80(4): 773-792.

Elgamal, R., La Rose, T., Detlor, B., Julien, H., and Serenko, A. (2024). A community partnership approach to digital literacy training for older adults between public libraries and seniors’ organizations. Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 47(1): 3-17.

Serenko, A. (2024). The human capital management perspective on quiet quitting: Recommendations for employees, managers, and national policymakers. Journal of Knowledge Management, 28(1): 27-43.

Serenko, A., Abubakar, A. M., and Bontis, N. (2024). Understanding the drivers of organizational business performance from the human capital perspective. Knowledge and Process Management, 31(1): 48-59.

Yeo, B., Serenko, A., and Palvia, P. (2024). One size does not fit all: Global perspectives on IT worker turnover. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71: 2843-2852.

Detlor, B., Serenko, A., La Rose, T., and Julien, H. (2024). A survey of public library-led digital literacy training in Canada: Perceptions of administrators and instructors. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, in-press.

Serenko, A. (2023). The Great Resignation: The great knowledge exodus or the onset of the Great Knowledge Revolution? Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(4): 1042-1055.

Serenko, A. (2023). Personality disorders as a predictor of counterproductive knowledge behavior: The application of the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV. Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(8): 2249-2282.

Serenko, A. and Abubakar, A. M. (2023). Antecedents and consequences of knowledge sabotage in the Turkish telecommunication and retail sectors. Journal of Knowledge Management, 27(5): 1409-1435.

Palvia, P., Ghosh, J., Jacks, T., Serenko, A., and Turan, A. (2023). Are IT workers from Mars? An examination of their national culture dimensions. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 54(4): 31-52.

Jackson, S. and Serenko, A. (2023). Stress, affective responses, and coping mechanisms of Canadian university students toward online learning during the COVID-19 lockdown. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 26(3): 224-250.

Jacks, T., Palvia, P., Serenko, A., and Ghosh, J. (2022). Global perspectives on IT occupational culture: A three-way cultural analysis. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 51(Article 27).

Serenko, A., Marrone, M., and Dumay, J. (2022). Scientometric portraits of recognized scientists: A structured literature review. Scientometrics, 127(8): 4827-4846.

Ghosh, J., Palvia, P., Serenko, A., and Jacks, T. (2022). Individuality matters: A world view of individual issues of IT professionals. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 51(Article 8).

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2022). Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals: A 2021 update. Journal of Knowledge Management, 26(1): 126-145.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2022). Directing technology addiction research in information systems: Part II. Understanding technology addiction. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 53(3): 71-90.

Cranefield, J., Gordon, M. E., Palvia, P., Serenko, A., and Jacks, T. (2022). From fun-lovers to institutionalists: Uncovering pluralism in IT occupational culture. Information Technology & People, 35(3): 925-955.

Julien, H., Gerstle, D., Detlor, B., La Rose, T., and Serenko, A. (2022). Digital literacy training for Canadians. Part II: Defining and measuring success. Library Quarterly, 92(1): 87-100.

Serenko, A., Sasaki, H., Palvia, P., and Sato, O. (2022). Turnover in Japanese IT professionals: Antecedents and nuances. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 26: 1-31.

Palvia, P., Serenko, A., Ghosh, J., and Jacks, T. (2022). Sorry, the world is not flat: A global view of organizational information systems issues. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(2): 777-783.

Serenko, A. (2021). A structured literature review of scientometric research of the knowledge management discipline: A 2021 update. Journal of Knowledge Management, 25(8): 1889-1925.

Serenko, A., Dumay, J., Hsiao, P-C. K., and Choo, C. W. (2021). Do they practice what they preach? The presence of problematic citations in business ethics research. Journal of Documentation, 77(6): 1304-1320.

Serenko, A., Turel, O., and Bohonis, H. (2021). The impact of social networking sites use on health-related outcomes among UK adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3(Article 100058): 1-9.

Palvia, P., Ghosh, J., Jacks, T., Serenko, A., and Turan, A. (2021). Insights from the World IT Project survey on IS organizational trends. MIS Quarterly Executive, 20(1): 61-68.

Julien, H., Gerstle, D., Detlor, B., La Rose, T., and Serenko, A. (2021). Digital literacy training for Canadians. Part I: “It’s just core public works”. Library Quarterly, 91(4): 437-456.

Barrie, H., La Rose, T., Detlor, B., Julien, H., and Serenko, A. (2021). "Because I'm old": The role of ageism in older adults' experiences of digital literacy training in public libraries. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 39(4): 379-404.

Yeo, B., Serenko, A., Palvia, P., Sato, O., Sasaki, H., Yu, J., and Guo, Y. (2021). Job satisfaction of IT workers in East Asia: The role of employee demographics, job demographics, and uncertainty avoidance. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 52(2): 94-126.

Serenko, A. and Choo, C. W. (2020). Knowledge sabotage as an extreme form of counterproductive knowledge behavior: The role of narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and competitiveness. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(9): 2299-2325.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2020). Measuring implicit attitude in information systems research with the Implicit Association Test. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 47(Paper 19): 397-431.

Palvia, P., Serenko, A. Benitez, J., and Liang, T.P. (2020). Professor Edgar H. Sibley: A tribute and a scientometric profile. Editorial. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 23(4): 241-247.

Serenko, A. (2020). Knowledge sabotage as an extreme form of counterproductive knowledge behavior: The perspective of the target. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(4): 737-773.

Turel, O. and Serenko, A. (2020). Cognitive biases and excessive use of social media: The Facebook Implicit Associations Test (FIAT). Addictive Behaviors, 105(June): Article 106328.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2020). Directing technology addiction research in information systems: Part I. Understanding behavioral addictions. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 51(3): 81-96.

Serenko, A. (2019). Knowledge sabotage as an extreme form of counterproductive knowledge behavior: Conceptualization, typology and empirical demonstration. Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(7): 1260-1288.

Woo, E., Serenko, A., and Chu, S. (2019). An exploratory study of the relationship between the use of the learning commons and students’ perceived learning outcomes. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(4): 413-419.

Hassan, N. R. and Serenko, A. (2019). Patterns of citations for the growth of knowledge: A Foucauldian perspective. Journal of Documentation, 75(3): 593-611.

Scholtz, B., Van Belle, J.P., Njenga, K., Serenko, A., and Palvia, P. (2019). The role of job satisfaction in turnover and turn-away intention of IT staff in South Africa. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 14: 77-97.

Serenko, A. (2019). Looking beyond the pointing finger: Ensuring the success of the Scholarly Capital Model in the contemporary academic environment. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 44(Article 13): 217-226.

Palvia, P., Ghosh, J., Jacks, T., Serenko, A., and Turan, A. (2018). Trekking the globe with the World IT Project. Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research, 20(1): 3-8.

Palvia, P., Jacks, T., Ghosh, J., Licker, P., Romm-Livermore, C., Serenko, A., and Turan, A. H. (2017). The World IT Project: History, trials, tribulations, lessons, and recommendations. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 41(Article 18): 389-413.

Serenko, A., Dohan, M., and Tan, J. (2017). Global ranking of management- and clinical-centered eHealth journals. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 41(Article 9): 198-215.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2017). Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals: 2017 update. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(3): 675-692.

Serenko, A. and Dumay, J. (2017). Citation classics published in knowledge management journals. Part III: Author survey. Journal of Knowledge Management, 21(2): 330-354.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2016). Understanding counterproductive knowledge behavior: Antecedents and consequences of intra-organizational knowledge hiding. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(6): 1199-1224.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2016). Negotiate, reciprocate, or cooperate? The impact of exchange modes on inter-employee knowledge sharing. Journal of Knowledge Management, 20(4): 687-712.

Serenko, A. Bontis, N., and Hull, E. (2016). An application of the knowledge management maturity model: The case of credit unions. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 14(3): 338-352.

Serenko, A. and Dumay, J. (2015). Citation classics published in knowledge management journals. Part II: Studying research trends and discovering the Google Scholar Effect. Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(6): 1335-1355.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2015). Integrating technology addiction and use: An empirical investigation of Facebook users. AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 1(1): 1-18.

Serenko, A. and Dumay, J. (2015). Citation classics published in knowledge management journals. Part I: Articles and their characteristics. Journal of Knowledge Management, 19(2): 401-431.

Moshonsky, M., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2014). Examining the transfer of academic knowledge to business practitioners: Doctoral program graduates as intermediaries. International Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(3): 70-95.

Serenko, A. (2013). Meta-analysis of scientometric research of knowledge management: Discovering the identity of the discipline. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(5): 773-812.

Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2013). Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals: 2013 update. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(2): 307-326.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2013). The intellectual core and impact of the knowledge management academic discipline. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(1): 137-155.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2013). Investigating the current state and impact of the intellectual capital academic discipline. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 14(4): 476-500.

Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2013). First in, best dressed: The presence of order-effect bias in journal ranking surveys. Journal of Informetrics, 7(1): 138-144.

Serenko, A. and Jiao, C. (2012). Investigating information systems research in Canada. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 29(1): 3-24.

Serenko, A. Bontis, N., and Moshonsky, M. (2012). Books as a knowledge translation mechanism: Citation analysis and author survey. Journal of Knowledge Management, 16(3): 495-511.

Detlor, B., Booker, L., Serenko, A., and Julien, H. (2012). Student perceptions of information literacy instruction: The importance of active learning. Education for Information, 29(2): 147-161.

Booker, L., Bontis, N., and Serenko, A. (2012). Evidence-based management and academic research relevance. Knowledge and Process Management, 19(3): 121-130.

Serenko, A. and Dohan, M. (2011). Comparing the expert survey and citation impact journal ranking methods: Example from the field of Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Informetrics, 5(4): 629-648.

Serenko, A., Cox, R., Bontis, N. and Booker, L. (2011). The superstar phenomenon in the knowledge management and intellectual capital academic discipline. Journal of Informetrics, 5(3): 333-345.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2011). What’s familiar is excellent: The impact of exposure effect on perceived journal quality. Journal of Informetrics, 5(1): 219-223.

Cocosila, M., Serenko, A., and Turel, O. (2011). Exploring the management information systems discipline: A scientometric study of ICIS, PACIS and ASAC. Scientometrics, 87(1): 1-16.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N. and Hull, E. (2011). Practical relevance of knowledge management and intellectual capital scholarly research: Books as knowledge translation agents. Knowledge and Process Management, 18(1): 1-9.

Bontis, N., Richards, D., and Serenko, A. (2011). Improving service delivery: Investigating the role of information sharing, job characteristics, and employee satisfaction. The Learning Organization: The International Journal of Knowledge and Organizational Learning Management, 18(3): 239-250.

Julien, H., Detlor, B., Serenko, A., Willson, R., and Lavallee, M. (2011). Preparing tomorrow’s decision makers: Learning environments and outcomes of information literacy instruction in business schools. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 16(4): 348-367.

Serenko, A. (2010). The development of an AI journal ranking based on the revealed preference approach. Journal of Informetrics, 4(4): 447-459.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2010). Rigor and relevance: The application of the Critical Incident Technique to investigate email usage. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 20(2): 182-207.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., Booker, L., Sadeddin, K., and Hardie, T. (2010). A scientometric analysis of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic literature (1994-2008). Journal of Knowledge Management, 14(1): 3-23.

Stach, A. and Serenko, A. (2010). The impact of expectation disconfirmation on customer loyalty and recommendation behavior: Investigating online travel and tourism services. Journal of Information Technology Management, XX(3): 26-41.

Serenko, A. (2010). Student satisfaction with Canadian music programs: The application of the American Customer Satisfaction Model in higher education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 36(3): 281-299.

Schejter, A., Serenko, A., Turel, O., and Zahaf, M. (2010). Policy implications of market segmentation as a determinant of fixed-mobile service substitution: What it means for carriers and policy makers. Telematics and Informatics, 27(1): 90-102.

Serenko, A. and Hayes, J. (2010). Investigating the functionality and performance of online shopping bots for electronic commerce: A follow-up study. International Journal of Electronic Business, 8(1): 1-15.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2009). A citation-based ranking of the business ethics scholarly journals. International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 4(4): 390-399.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2009). Global ranking of knowledge management and intellectual capital academic journals. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(1): 4-15.

Bontis, N. and Serenko, A. (2009). A follow-up ranking of academic journals. Journal of Knowledge Management, 13(1): 16-26.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., and Grant, J. (2009). A scientometric analysis of the proceedings of the McMaster World Congress on Intellectual Capital and Innovation (1996-2008). Journal of Intellectual Capital, 10(1): 8-21.

Bontis, N. and Serenko, A. (2009). A causal model of human capital antecedents and consequents in the financial services industry. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 10(1): 53-69.

Bontis, N. and Serenko, A. (2009). Longitudinal knowledge strategizing in a long-term healthcare organization. International Journal of Technology Management, 47(1/2/3): 276-297.

Serenko, A. (2009). User perceptions and employment of interface agents for email notification: An inductive approach. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 5(3): 55-83.

Bontis, N., Hardie, T., and Serenko, A. (2009). Techniques for assessing skills and knowledge in a business strategy classroom. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 2(2): 162-180.

Serenko, A., Cocosila, M., and Turel, O. (2008). The state and evolution of Information Systems research in Canada: A scientometric analysis. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 24(4): 279-294.

Booker, L., Bontis, N., and Serenko, A. (2008). The relevance of knowledge management and intellectual capital research. Knowledge and Process Management, 15(4): 235-246.

Serenko, A. (2008). A model of user adoption of interface agents for email notification. Interacting with Computers, 20(4-5): 461-472.

Bontis, N., Hardie, T., and Serenko, A. (2008). Self-efficacy and KM course weighting selection: Can students optimize their grades? International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies, 1(3): 189-199.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., and Hardie, T. (2007). Organizational size and knowledge flow: A proposed theoretical link. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 8(4): 610-627.

Serenko, A. (2007). Are interface agents scapegoats? Attributions of responsibility in human-agent interaction. Interacting with Computers, 19(2): 293-303.

Serenko, A. (2007). The development of an instrument to measure the degree of animation predisposition of agent users. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(1): 478-495. This work was referenced in United States Patent 7178095.

Serenko, A., Ruhi, U., and Cocosila, M. (2007). Unplanned effects of intelligent agents on Internet use: Social Informatics approach. Artificial Intelligence & Society, 21(1-2): 141-166.

Bontis, N. and Serenko, A. (2007). The moderating role of human capital management practices on employee capabilities. Journal of Knowledge Management, 11(3): 31-51.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., and Detlor, B. (2007). End-user adoption of animated interface agents in everyday work applications. Behaviour and Information Technology, 26(2): 119-132.

Sadeddin, K., Serenko, A., and Hayes, J. (2007). Online shopping bots for electronic commerce: The comparison of functionality and performance. International Journal of Electronic Business, 5(6): 576-589.

Bontis, N., Booker, L., and Serenko, A. (2007). The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry. Management Decision, 45(9): 1426-1445.

Serenko, A. (2006). The use of interface agents for email notification in critical incidents. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 64(11): 1084–1098.

Turel, O., Serenko, A., Detlor, B., Collan, M., Nam, I., and Puhakainen, J. (2006). Investigating the determinants of satisfaction and usage of Mobile IT services in four countries. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 9(4): 6-27.

Bontis, N., Serenko, A., and Biktimirov, E. (2006). MBA knowledge management course: Is there an impact after graduation? International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2(3/4): 216-237.

Serenko, A. (2006). The importance of interface agent characteristics from the end-user perspective. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 2(2): 48-59.

Dow, K., Serenko, A., Turel, O., and Wong, J. (2006). Antecedents and consequences of user satisfaction with e-mail systems. International Journal of e-Collaboration, 2(2): 46-64.

Turel, O. and Serenko, A. (2006). Satisfaction with mobile services in Canada: An empirical investigation. Telecommunications Policy, 30(5-6): 314-331. This publication was ranked # 1 top/most frequently downloaded article in the journal for April-June 2006 period.

Serenko, A., Turel, O., and Yol, S. (2006). Moderating roles of user demographics in the American Customer Satisfaction Model within the context of mobile services. Journal of Information Technology Management, 17(4): 20-32.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2004). Meta-review of knowledge management and intellectual capital literature: Citation impact and research productivity rankings. Knowledge and Process Management, 11(3): 185-198.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2004). A model of user adoption of mobile portals. Special Issue of the Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 4(1): 69-98.

Serenko, A. and Detlor, B. (2004.) Intelligent agents as innovations. Artificial Intelligence & Society, 18(4): 364-381.

Serenko, A. and Detlor, B. (2003). Agent toolkit satisfaction and use in higher education. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 15(1): 65-88.


Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings (in full form)

Ghosh, J., Serenko, A., Palvia, P. Jacks, T., and Turan, A.H. (2024). Friendship circles: A solution to the problem of IT turnaway? Proceedings of the 30th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Salt Lake City, Utah.

Serenko, A., Turel, O., and Siddiqui, H. (2020). The impact of social networking sites use on health-related outcomes among UK adolescents. Proceedings of the 26th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Online.

Sato, O., Serenko, A., Scholtz, B., Palvia, P., and Sasaki, H. (2020). Job satisfaction, turnover and turn-away intention of IT workers in Japan. Proceedings of the Global Information Technology Management Association Conference. Paris, France.

Yeo, B., Serenko, A., Palvia, P., and Jacks, T. (2020). Does the US model of IT work exhaustion apply to the BRICS countries? Proceedings of the Global Information Technology Management Association Conference. Paris, France.

Serenko, A. and Choo, C.W. (2019). Investigating knowledge sabotage behavior: The role of personality traits and co-worker competitiveness. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning. Sydney, Australia.

Sasaki, H., Serenko, A., Sato, O., and Palvia, P. (2019). Determinants of job satisfaction and turnover intention of IT professionals in Japan. Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Cancun, Mexico.

Van Belle, J.P., Scholtz, B., Njenga, K., Serenko, A., and Palvia, P. (2018). ‘Should I stay or should I go?’ - Antecedents or turnover intentions of IT staff in South Africa. Proceedings of the Global Information Technology Management Association Conference. Mexico City, Mexico.

Islam, A.K.M.N., Mavengere, N., Ahlfors, U-R., Ruohonen, M., Serenko, A., and Palvia, P. (2018). A stress-strain-outcome model of job satisfaction: The moderating role of professional self-efficacy. Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). New Orleans, Louisiana.

Yeo, B., Serenko, A., Palvia, P., Sato, O., Sasaki, H., Yu, J., and Guo, Y. (2018). Exploring job satisfaction of IT workers in Taiwan, Japan, and China: The role of employee demographics, job demographics, and uncertainty avoidance. Proceedings of the 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). New Orleans, Louisiana.

Serenko, A., Sato, O., Palvia, P., Turan, A.H., and Sasaki, H. (2017). The effect of work-home conflict on IT employees in Japan: The moderating role of conscientiousness. Proceedings of the 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Boston, Massachusetts.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2016). Why are women underrepresented in IT? The role of implicit and explicit gender identity. Proceedings of the 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). San Diego, California.

Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2016). Understanding counterproductive knowledge behavior: Antecedents and consequences of intra-organizational knowledge hiding. Proceedings of the Global Information Technology Management Association Conference. San Diego, California.

Dohan, M.S., Serenko, A., and Tan, J. (2015). The expert survey-based global ranking of management- and clinical-centered health informatics and IT journals. Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Information Technology Advancement. Kalamazoo, Michigan.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., and Palvia, P. (2015). The World IT Project: Exploring antecedents and consequences of job satisfaction of IT professionals in Canada. Proceedings of the Global Information Technology Management Association Conference. St. Louis, Missouri.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., and Hull, E. (2014). An application of the knowledge management maturity model: The case of credit unions. Proceedings of the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Savannah, Georgia.

Moshonsky, M., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2013). Examining the transfer of academic knowledge to business practitioners: Doctoral program graduates as intermediaries. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning. Washington, D.C.

Booker, L., Bontis, N., Burstein, F., Linger, H., and Serenko, A. (2013). Understanding the practical relevance of academic research in knowledge management: A Lay Epistemic Theory approach. Proceedings of the 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Chicago, Illinois.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2013). The effect of explicit and implicit attitudes on system use: An empirical examination of Facebook users. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Calgary, Canada.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2012). Exploring the intellectual core and impact of the knowledge management and intellectual capital academic discipline. Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Seattle, Washington.

Booker, L., Detlor, B., and Serenko, A. (2012). Factors affecting the adoption of online library resources by business students. Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Seattle, Washington.

Booker, L., Bontis, N., and Serenko, A. (2011). Exploring the use of the academic body of knowledge by practitioners: The case of chartered business valuators in Canada. Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning. Bangkok, Thailand.

Turel O. and Serenko A. (2011). Developing a (bad) habit: Antecedents and adverse consequences of social networking website use habit. Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Detroit, Michigan.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., and Moshonsky, M. (2011). Exploring the role of books as a knowledge translation mechanism: Citation analysis and author survey. Proceedings of the 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Detroit, Michigan.

Serenko, A. and Dohan, M. (2011). Comparing the expert survey and citation impact journal ranking methods: Example from the field of Artificial Intelligence. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Montreal, Canada.

Serenko, A., Detlor, B., Julien, H., and Booker, L. (2010). An empirical investigation of student learning outcomes of information literacy instruction in a business school. Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Systems. Brisbane, Australia.

Serenko, A. and Jiao, C. (2010). Investigating information systems research in Canada. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Regina, Canada.

Serenko, A., Bontis, N., and Hull, E. (2010). Practical relevance of knowledge management and intellectual capital scholarly research: Books as knowledge translation agents. Proceedings of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Lima, Peru.

Serenko, A., Turel, O., and Giles, P. (2009). Integrating technology addiction and adoption: An empirical investigation of online auction websites. Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). San Francisco, California.

Cocosila, M., Serenko, A., and Turel, O. (2009). A scientometric study of information systems conferences: Exploring ICIS, PACIS and ASAC. Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). San Francisco, California.

Serenko, A. (2008). User perceptions and employment of interface agents for email notification: An inductive approach. Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Toronto, Canada.

Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2008). Blackberry addiction: Symptoms and outcomes. Proceedings of the 14th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Toronto, Canada.

Serenko, A., Cocosila, M., and Turel, O. (2008). The state and evolution of Information Systems research presented at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference: A scientometric analysis of the proceedings. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Halifax, Canada.

Bontis, N. and Serenko, A. (2008). A causal map of human capital antecedents and consequents in the financial services industry. Proceedings of the 29th World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation. Hamilton, Canada.

Booker, L., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2008). The relevance of academic knowledge management and intellectual capital research from the practitioner perspective. Proceedings of the 29th World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation. Hamilton, Canada.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2007). The application of the critical incident technique to investigate email usage: Contribution to theory and practice. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Ottawa, Canada, pp. 213-230.

Serenko, A., Turel, O., and Zahaf, M. (2007). Segmenting the fixed and mobile service markets in the USA: A cluster analysis. Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Keystone, Colorado.

Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2007). User acceptance of hedonic information technologies: A perceived value perspective. Proceedings of the 13th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Keystone, Colorado. Best paper award nominee.

Booker, L., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2007). The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry. Proceedings of the 1st McMaster World Congress on Strategic Business Valuation. Hamilton, Canada.

Bontis, N., Serenko, A., and Biktimirov, E. (2006). MBA Knowledge Management Course: Is there an impact after graduation? Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Banff, Canada, pp. 14-30. (Best paper award in the Management Education Division)

Serenko, A. (2006). A model of user adoption of interface agents for email. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Banff, Canada, pp. 1-22.

Yol, S., Serenko, A., and Turel, O. (2006). Moderating roles of user demographics in the American Customer Satisfaction Model within the context of mobile services. Proceedings of the 12th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Acapulco, Mexico.

Hayes, J., Sadeddin, K., and Serenko, A., (2006). Online shopping bots for electronic commerce: The comparison of functionality and performance. Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on the Management of e-Business. Halifax, Canada. The paper was recognized among the best of the publications presented at the conference, and invited to be republished in a journal.

Lento, C., Booker, L., Yol, S., Serenko, A., and Gradojevic, N. (2006). Testing the eLaw of One Price in North America: The case of Amazon. Proceedings of the Seventh World Congress on the Management of e-Business. Halifax, Canada.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2005). Temporal structural stability of MIS research instruments: Reconsideration of the computer playfulness scale. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Toronto, Canada, pp. 128-142. (Best Paper Award in the IS division - image 1, image 2).

Turel, O., Serenko, A., and Bontis, N. (2005). User acceptance of Short Messaging Services: The convergence of marketing and MIS views. Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Omaha, NE, pp. 1890-1899. (Best paper award - image 1, image 2)

Serenko, A. (2005). The use interface agents for email in critical incidents. Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Omaha, NE: pp. 991-1002. (An improved version of this paper was republished in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies)

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2005). A model of organizational competitiveness from the KM/IC perspective. Proceedings of the 26th World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation. Hamilton, Canada.

Serenko, A. (2005). The importance of interface agent characteristics: The end-user perspective. Proceedings of the 26th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business. Hamilton, Canada. (An improved version of this paper was republished in the International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies)

Lento, C. and Serenko, A. (2005). ePrice dispersion in electronic commerce markets: Testing the Absolute Law of One Price. Proceedings of the International Conference on Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications. Orlando, FL, pp. 160-165.

Serenko, A. (2004). User adoption of mobile portals: A conceptual model. Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Global Information Technology Management (GITM) World Conference. San Diego, CA, pp. 116-119. (Best paper award at the Conference)

Serenko, A., Ruhi, U., and Cocosila, M. (2004). Unplanned effects of intelligent agents on Internet use: A Social Informatics approach. Proceedings of the International Conference on Politics and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications. Orlando, FL., pp. 333-338. The paper was among the best 10% of the publications presented at the conference, and invited to be republished in a journal. (An improved version of this paper was republished in AI & Society).

Serenko, A. and Cocosila, M. (2004). An exploratory investigation of the self-serving biases of interface agent users. Proceedings of the 10th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). New York, N.Y.

Serenko, A. (2004). The development of an instrument to measure animation predisposition of users of animated agents in MS Office applications. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC). Quebec, Canada.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2004). Meta-review of knowledge management and intellectual capital literature: Citation impact and research productivity rankings. Proceedings of the 25th World Congress on the Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation. Hamilton, Canada.

Turel, O. and Serenko, A. (2004). User satisfaction with mobile services in Canada. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mobile Business (m>Business 2004). New York City, N.Y.

Serenko, A. Bontis, N., and Biktimirov, E. (2004). Teaching Strategic Knowledge Management to MBAs. Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management (ICICKM). Toronto, pp. 265-273.

Serenko, A. (2003). Intelligent agents for eCommerce and privacy issues: Building a framework. Proceedings of the 24th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business. Hamilton, Canada.

Serenko, A. and Detlor, B. (2003). Agent toolkits for eBusiness: Towards a typology. Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business. Hamilton, Canada.


Peer-Reviewed Book/Encyclopedia Chapters (not previously published)

Van Belle, J.P., Scholtz, B., Njenga, K., Serenko, A., and Palvia, P. (2018). Top IT issues for employers of South African graduates. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) Series, Springer, pp. 108-123.

Julien, H., Detlor, B., and Serenko, A. (2013). Information literacy in the business school context: A story of complexity and success. In Hepworth, M. and Walton, G. (Eds.), Developing People’s Information Capabilities, Emerald, pp. 169-180.

Turel, O. and Serenko, A. (2010). Mobile telephony as a universal service. In Lee, I. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Digital Economy, IGI Global, pp. 854-860.

Lento, C., Serenko, A., Gradojevic, N., Booker, L., and Yol, S. (2010). The Electronic Law of One Price (eLOP). In Lee, I. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Digital Economy, IGI Global, pp. 55-64.

Serenko, A. and Turel, O. (2007). Mobile portals as innovations. In Tatnall, A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Idea Group, pp. 594-598.

Willis, R., Serenko, A., Turel, O. (2007). Contractual obligations between mobile service providers and users. In Taniar, D. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mobile Computing & Commerce, Idea Group. pp. 143-148.

Turel, O. Serenko, A. (2007). Mobile portals: Characteristics and issues. In Tatnall, A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Portal Technology and Applications, Idea Group, pp. 587-593.


Other Publications

Detlor, B., Booker, L., Julien, H. & Serenko, A. (2010). The effects of information literacy instruction on business students. Presented at the Canadian Association for Information Science 37th Annual Conference, June 2-4, Montreal, Canada.

Detlor, B., Booker, L., Serenko, A. & Julien, H. (2010). The effects of information literacy instruction on business students. Presented at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU), McMaster University, May 12-14, 2010, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Julien, H., Detlor, B., Serenko, A., Willson, R., & Lavallee, M. (2009). Outcomes of information literacy instruction for undergraduate business students. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., Nov 6-11, Medford, NJ: Information Today.

Serenko, A. (2007). The importance of interface agent characteristics from the end-user perspective. In Sugumaran, V. (Ed.), Intelligent information technologies and applications, Idea Group, pp: 137-151.

Stach, A. and Serenko, A. (2005). A framework of impacts of the Internet on the travel and tourism industry. Proceedings of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Chicago.

Serenko, A. and Cocosila, M. (2003). The social impacts of intelligent agents on Internet use. Proceedings of the International and Interdisciplinary Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers. Toronto, Canada.

Serenko, A. and Bontis, N. (2004). Meta-review of knowledge management and intellectual capital literature: Citation impact and research productivity rankings. Working Paper #112. Hamilton, Ontario, Michael G. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University.

Serenko, A. and Detlor, B. (2002). Agent toolkits: A general overview of the market and an assessment of instructor satisfaction with utilizing toolkits in the classroom. Working Paper #455. Hamilton, Ontario, Michael G. DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University.

Graduate Students

Graduate Student Supervisions - Completed
• Madora Moshonsky, 2011-2013. Master of Science in Management Thesis. Topic: Examining the transfer of academic knowledge to business practitioners: Doctoral program graduates as intermediaries.
• Maegen Lavallee, 2008-2009. Master of Science in Management Project. Topic: Information literacy in a Canadian business school.
• Jamie Hayes, 2007-2008. Master of Management project. Topic: Online shopping bots for electronic commerce: The comparison of functionality and performance – a Follow-up study. Publication outcomes: 1 journal article.
• Paul Giles, 2006-2008. Master of Management project. Topic: A Preliminary Investigation of the eBay addiction disorder. Publication outcomes: 1 conference proceedings.
• Andrea Stach, 2005-2008. Master of Management project. Topic: Impact of critical incidents with on customer loyalty and service recommendation.
• Adeyemi Sekudo, 2007-2008. Master of Management project. Topic: Gauging Sub-Saharan Africa’s e-readiness.
• Khaled Sadeddin, 2006-2007. Master of Management project. Topic: Online shopping bots for electronic commerce: The comparison of functionality and performance. Publication outcomes: 1 conference proceedings – selected as the best paper, 1 journal article.
• Lorne D. Booker, 2005-2006. Master of Science in Management project. Topic: The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry. Publication outcomes: 1 conference proceedings, 1 journal article in progress.
• Sert Yol, 2005-2006. Master of Management project. Topic: Moderating roles of user demographics in the American customer satisfaction model within the context of mobile services. Publication outcomes: 1 conference proceedings, 1 journal article.

Graduate Student Thesis/Project Reader/Examiner
• Neil Irvine, Master of Science in Management project. Topic: Female work orientation and acculturation: A study of female middle eastern immigrants. Final Project Examiner, 2009.
• Aaron Spooner, Master of Management project. Topic: Retention Through Socialization: An exploratory study on current physician retention practices within Thunder Bay. Final Project Examiner, 2008.
• Oliver Reavley, Master of Management project. Topic: International Student Recruitment at Lakehead University. Final Project Examiner, 2008.
• Hugh Mullally, Master of Management project. Topic: Market agglomeration and MBA programs in the US: A literature review. Final Project Examiner, 2008.
• Michael S. Dohan, Master of Science in Management project. Topic: Technoinclusion: The use of technology to counter social exclusion. Final Project Examiner, 2008.
• James Anderson, Master of Science in Management project. Topic: Identifying consumer behavior towards C2C e-commerce: Channel adoption barriers and benefits. Final Project Examiner, 2007.
• Timo Hiiback, Master of Science in Management project. Topic: Impact of technology on the music industry and consumer behavior. Final Project Examiner, 2007.
• Ang Duan, Master of Science in Management thesis. Topic: Replication study of the risk-focused e-commerce adoption model by Park, Lee, and Ahn (2004): Consumers adoption of online purchasing in China. Final Thesis Examiner, 2005.


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